A Toast to Thanksgiving

What a gift it is this holiday we call Thanksgiving. The act of giving thanks is truly restorative and, potentially, transformational. When we give thanks for the abundance we are blessed with in life, from the readily apparent to the not so obvious goodness continually bestowed upon us, something precious is stirred in us. This simple act of giving thanks puts us in a new state of resonance with ourselves, with family and friends, and with the world around us. In essence, giving thanks serves us homeopathically, like a remedy, to help us align better with who we really are. This, in itself, is very healing.

On this day of Thanksgiving, I wish to give my heart-felt thanks to Samuel Hahnemann, the founder of one of the most powerful and effective healing systems the world has ever known. Through his genius, so much suffering has been relieved or greatly diminished for human-kind and all living beings, and the hope for our planet to have more universal and sustaining peace, health, and joy is daily revitalized.

I feel blessed and infinitely privileged to be part of that great healing that Hahnemann envisioned by his work. I feel eternally thankful for Hahnemann’s discovery, for all my homeopathic teachers who helped me to understand homeopathy and learn to apply it, for my homeopathic colleagues and friends who keep me on my toes and support me to continue to grow in my work, and, last but not least, for my patients and students, family and friends, who have all given and taught me more than I could ever have imagined about myself and the human condition, and all the abundance there is offered to us.

Blessings and true Thanksgiving to us all on this, one of America’s, most special of Holidays.

Wishing all of you enjoyment and renewal as you contemplate and experience the intent and meaning of this day in your own uniquely personal way.

Dr. Doug